Top Credit Cards
Visa Credit Card
Chase Visa Credit Card
Chase Master Card
Universal Master Card
American Express Blue
American Express Credit Card

How do I get a credit card?

There are lots of ways to get a credit card, but the first rule is don't sign up for just any credit card, especially your first credit card. The credit cards you see advertised on campus or at sporting events are usually not the best deals. The best way to get a credit card, even if you already have one, is to apply for the best credit card you can get accepted for. Here is a list from the most desirable to least desirable people in the eyes of a credit card company:

  1. High income working professional with a great credit score
  2. University student with no credit history
  3. University student with a good or bad credit history
  4. Working professional with a good or bad credit history
  5. Anybody with any credit history what so ever
  6. Working professional with no credit history
  7. No work history, no income and no credit history

So here is the deal ...

If you are desirable you have more options and if you are less desirable you have fewer option, but anyone in any stage of life can get a credit card and start building good credit. One of the best things you can do is learn how it all works and that is exactly what you are doing now, at Personal Finance University.

If you are a 5 or above chances are that you will be accepted for a good credit card, if you are below you will have to be a little more creative.

Finding the best credit card for you is not an easy task, but with the help of Personal Finance University, we can make it really easy. At PFU, we search the financial world for the best credit card deals and benefits and help you apply for the credit card that is right for you.
